Build a garden pond with a liner

This video provided by Ubbink shows you the creation of a garden pond from a liner. Everything is explained there, from the tools used (shovels, wheelbarrow, level, watering hoses, hammer, etc.), to the steps so as not to miss anything:

- Shape marking, with the orientation and layout of the pool

- Digging the pit, with the different levels.

- The base which consists of preparing the ground before installing the tarpaulin.

- Laying the tarpaulin which consists of laying the felt, the tarpaulin and putting it in water.

- The layout and finishes with the addition of decorative elements as well as plants.

This video shot in one day shows that it is possible to create your own garden pond in 8 hours (with 2 adults) using the liner.

Vous trouverez les différents produits nécessaires à la réalisation d'un bassin sur le site internet: et pour les fontaines de jardin sur le site

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