How to make a spherical fountain

Creating a spherical fountain can be an exciting project to enhance your garden or outdoor space. Here's a step-by-step guide to making a spherical fountain:

Materials Needed:
  • Large sphere-shaped object (such as a ball)
  • Concrete mix
  • Cement
  • Sand
  • Water
  • Pump with tubing
  • Waterproof sealant
  • Safety gear (gloves, mask, goggles)
  • Container or base for the fountain
Steps to Make a Spherical Fountain:

1. Prepare the Work Area:
Choose a flat and spacious work area outdoors.
Cover the area with plastic or a tarp to protect it from concrete spills.

2. Create the Mold:
Place the large sphere-shaped object (like a ball) on the work area. Ensure it's sturdy and will not collapse during the process.
Alternatively, you can purchase or create a sturdy spherical mold specifically for this purpose.

3. Mix Concrete:
Prepare the concrete mix following the manufacturer's instructions. Mix concrete, cement, sand, and water in a wheelbarrow or mixing container until it forms a thick but workable consistency.

4. Apply Concrete:
Wear safety gear (gloves, mask, goggles).
Take handfuls of the concrete mix and apply them onto the surface of the sphere, spreading and pressing firmly to form a layer of approximately 1-2 inches thick. Ensure an even coating.

5. Create Hollow Space:
Leave a small opening or create a space in the concrete layer where the tubing for the fountain will pass through.
Ensure the tubing extends from the bottom of the sphere to the top for water circulation.

6. Allow to Cure:
Let the concrete dry and cure according to the instructions on the concrete mix. This might take several days.

7. Remove the Mold:
Once the concrete has completely dried and cured, carefully remove the spherical object or mold from the concrete shell. This will leave you with a hollow concrete sphere.

8. Waterproofing and Fountain Installation:
Apply a waterproof sealant to the inside and outside of the concrete sphere to prevent water leakage.
Connect the pump with tubing to the hollow space inside the sphere.
Place the spherical fountain on a sturdy base or container designed to hold the pump and support the fountain.

9. Test and Adjust:
Fill the fountain with water and test the pump to ensure proper water circulation through the tubing. Adjust the pump's flow rate if needed.
Follow safety precautions while working with concrete mix and wear appropriate safety gear.
Ensure the electrical components of the pump are suitable for outdoor use and follow safety guidelines.

Building a spherical fountain requires patience and attention to detail. Once completed, it can become a stunning centerpiece in your garden or outdoor space, providing a soothing and elegant water feature for relaxation and enjoyment.

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